Life on your earth_Page1_4 billion years ago

Life on your earth_Page1_4 billion years ago

Life on your earth

Present Day

Today, more than one crore species of plants and animals are alive in the world, but this number is only a percentage of the total species ever known on Earth. By returning to the past, we will meet and highlight many such people who are included in ninety-nine per cent of the species that have been lost forever.
The heritage of every living being in the world is four billion years old. He remained steadfast despite facing many difficulties. Ninety-nine per cent of the total species in the world have become extinct so far.
Our changing earth has created many challenges for life. 
From the torrential seas to the wastelands per cent spread all over the world and sometimes such incessant rains that there was no sign of stopping.
The first rule of life is that only the one who can adapt best will prevail and hence this created the immense diversity that exists till today. The second rule of life is that competition encourages adaptation, which means adapting to the circumstances, and the most powerful competition comes from one’s own species.
These are the rules and regulations of life. The first rule of thumb is that the best-adapted organism will always win. 
These rules of life decide how dynasties will flourish and how they will decline. The heritage of every living being present in the world today is four billion years old. He remained steadfast despite facing many difficulties.
Everything in this forest is struggling to maintain its existence.
Throughout history life has always been an endless war, one lineage flourishes and then the next destroys it. The same rules of life apply even today. I only the best adapted creatures will win. Competition promotes evolution and chaos thrives in a rapidly changing world.
Volcanoes have always been among the greatest forces of change throughout history. 
Their eruptions, which have continued for thousands of years, have repeatedly affected large parts of our Earth. 
Their explosions released countless gases into the atmosphere which changed the air and the worst thing was that animals were wiped out from the entire world.
The real deadly power came out from that giant creator. There was a pearl wall of hundreds of kilometres of ash and debris that surrounded the entire world. The clouds blocked the sunlight due to which almost all the dinosaurs died.
  And three-fourths of the life on earth ended. This destruction occurred all over the world and was the fifth mass destruction in the world.

The Rules of Life

4 billion years ago

Some of these will have such genetic characteristics that will help them maintain their existence. The actual process is lost in the fog of now and then, but what it produced was a tiny living cell, the last universal common ancestor from which all forms of life arose from this humble beginning. It took billions of years for life to evolve into a complex form.

heritage of every living being in the world is four billion years old. Despite
facing many difficulties, he has remained steadfast. Ninety-nine percent of the
total species in the world have been destroyed so far, some of their remains
have been found even today and if further research is done, more can be found.


Living life has become difficult because our changing earth has created many challenges for life. From raging seas to barren lands around the world and sometimes torrential rains that just won’t stop. Due to these, it is very difficult to survive in difficult situations. Some of these will have genetic traits that will help them survive.

It takes the right time and certain things to create something. Similarly to the origin of life, the first spark was born four billion years ago, probably on our planet, the only spark in the entire universe that had the right conditions. Liquids, water, energy from the sun and the perfect chemicals for life to flourish.
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