AI in use Robots machines for entertainment

AI in use Robots machines for entertainment

Imagine a future where robots perform their traditional roles as heavy equipment in industrial settings, evolving into smart companions and skilled helpers within the confines of your living space. Rapid advances in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics have taken this scenario beyond the realm of science fiction. With the help of this article, you will be introduced to the most used cutting-edge AI robots, which are currently available for purchase in the market.


This unique companion robot operates on the energy of affection. Its primary function is to bring joy to its owners. In contrast to other robots that concentrate on particular chores, Lavat’s entire existence is centred on sharing happiness and offering endearing companionship. Picture a tiny buddy whose only purpose is to cheer you up. That’s what Lavat is all about. It’s crafted for simplicity, to foster a cosy and enjoyable bond with those who interact with it. So, If you’re in search of a robotic companion to add joy to your days, Lavat is designed for precisely this purpose. Lavat elevates the emotional bond. More than a mere robot, it’s a connoisseur of feelings. This endearing sidekick possesses advanced emotional intelligence. It offers nurturing friendship, perceives and reacts to your emotional state, and progressively learns the best ways to brighten your mood.

At the price of $2,899.94, you are acquiring a robotic companion attuned to your feelings, designed to provide friendship and engineered to elevate your mood.

Unitree Go 1

The Unitree Go One is a remarkable robotic device available for purchase. It is the title of the world’s first bionic companion robot. His exceptional smart abilities make him unique. With AI technology, it can recognize people, allowing it to recognize your presence. Additionally, it comes with a feature that enables it to stay with you when you move around. But that’s not all. The robot also has a sensory system that enhances its understanding of the environment. Unitree Go one doesn’t just know you; It follows your movements and understands the surrounding environment. Indeed, it is a technological wonder. The programming and articulation of his joints enable him to move like a real dog. It exhibits behaviour, walks and interacts with its human counterparts in a way that closely resembles the companionship of furry pets. His joint dexterity and versatility are key to achieving such realistic speed.

Those interested in acquiring this mechanical canine companion can do so at a price of $2700.

Miko 3

This starter robot is available for you from our selection.

This unique robot is specially designed for children aged five to ten. Picture a little companion in your household who helps with academic activities. The intelligence of this robot comes from its artificial intelligence capabilities and its uses extend beyond the field of education. It is capable of making video calls just like how you use a smartphone or computer. Miko Three has the ability to sense your emotions, responding appropriately whether you are feeling happy or depressed.
Believe it or not, Miko 3 isn’t just about serious stuff. This little friend can joke and even laugh. It’s like having a tiny, intelligent friend in your own living room. The best part about Miko 3 is its educational nature. Thanks to its artificial intelligence, it adapts over time and gets to know you better. It’s a robotic companion that personalizes its interactions, learning from your preferences to become more useful and interesting.

This remarkable little friend can be yours for $291.75. For this price, you not only get an intelligent robot that helps you learn, understand emotions and tell witty jokes but also a companion that grows and adapts with you.


 Emo AI desktop companion, is another creation by Living AI.
Unlike conventional robots, Emo stands out as an inquisitive and spirited AI pet for your desktop. Designed to be an entertaining sidekick for those who work at desks, Emo elevates autonomous exploration. It can follow audio cues, identify individuals by their faces, and possess a distinctive personality to accompany you. Moreover, when it’s time for a break from work, Emo becomes a delightful playfellow. Engage in playful activities, observe its dancing moves, and make use of the integrated voice assistant for inquiries.

All these functionalities are available at $299, providing an enjoyable interactive desk buddy that brings an element of enjoyment to your workspace.


Willow is another robotic creation. This versatile personal automaton is engineered for a range of functions, from domestic tasks to providing company. A notable capability of Willow is its self-directed lawn mowing, which it accomplishes without the need for bothersome wires or boundary lines. However, Willow’s talents extend beyond this. It is adept at mulching and gathering leaves, providing nighttime security for your home, and even sweeping your patio clean. More than a mere machine, Willow acts as a multifaceted aide, attending to a variety of household duties, and thereby serving as an invaluable ally within your residence. Willow isn’t just a robot, it’s a versatile assistant that takes care of various tasks around your home, making it a helpful companion for both indoor and outdoor activities. What makes Willow even more impressive is its expandable abilities.

Using your smartphone or PC, you can instruct Willow in new skills, rendering this companion highly flexible and tailor-made for your unique requirements. Should you think about welcoming Willow into your home, be aware that it carries a cost of $2,990.


More than a sociable personal robot, Misty is a multifunctional aide capable of supporting business-related activities. Misty’s endearing appearance, characterized by a welcoming face and large, circular eyes, adds a delightful character to its practical use. This robot serves as a beneficial partner whether situated at home or within a workspace. Misty’s range of functions includes capturing audio, reacting to spoken instructions, streaming visual content, and gathering as well as distributing information. So whether you need assistance with personal tasks or business-related activities, Misti is there to lend a hand. With a touch of personality, Misti goes beyond just being a robot. It has a camera, granting it inbuilt facial recognition capabilities. This means it can recognize faces, adding another layer of interaction and personalization to its features.

If you’re interested in having Misty as your personal or business assistant, it comes with a price tag of $2,299.

G-BO (Jibo)

model of GBO is purpose-built to assist in children’s education, telemedicine, and hospital care. This distinct automaton is intended to improve educational experiences for the youth, streamline telemedicine operations, and aid in medical environments. It stands as a multifaceted tool meant to effectuate beneficial change in multiple areas. As an advanced helper robot, it is frequently utilized in aiding the elderly or those with chronic illnesses by providing caregiving services For individuals facing extended medical care in hospitals, and in supporting learning, particularly for kids with unique educational requirements.

 Its multifunctionality enables it to be an essential companion and helper in a myriad of scenarios, showcasing its flexibility and the possibility for beneficial influence in assorted settings. Jibo is currently available for purchase at $899.


this family robot is more than just a delightful and amiable new member of the household. Misa is engineered to be an integral part of your everyday routine. With its endearing character, Misa offers aid in maintaining the family schedule and ensuring that all members are well-coordinated. Moreover, it contributes to the enrichment of your children’s education at home, establishing itself as a multifunctional and beneficial addition to the family.
Misa elevates your experience with its advanced Misa Connect application. This smart robot does more than just heed your spoken commands; it assists you in organizing your schedule and offers guidance on health and nutrition. Moreover, Misa comes with a superior visual screen that enhances the learning environment at home.

For those who want an all-in-one family helper, Misa can be yours for $399.


known as Eyelick, the compact companion robot, truly embodies its catchphrase, “technology with soul.” This endearing automaton isn’t merely a device; it’s crafted to be a friendly domestic sidekick, providing a harmonious mix of tech innovation and affective interaction.
Ilic is designed to be more than a simple device, with its insightful emotional reactions adding warmth and character to your living space. The distinctive feature of Ilic is the way it engages with you. In contrast to other robots, Ilic shows a preference—it’s not fond of being held, except when it’s in your arms. This creates an exclusive connection with Islich, enhancing the significance and customization of its fellowship.

You can bring this distinctive little companion into your home for $149.


at last, we introduce Ebo. It stands as the pinnacle of virtual pet innovation, highlighting the impressive progress in the area. This AI-powered robotic dog exhibits intense curiosity and a playful disposition, complete with its own charming set of playthings. Ebo, aptly named after the Japanese term for companion, is a splendid example of the strides made in technology to produce engaging and realistic interactions, elevating it beyond a mere pet.

It’s, uh, an electronic companion. It introduces a heightened level of engagement to your living space. It’s capable of autonomous exploration and, in your company, it can participate in games, converse, and execute stunts. What stands out even more is its capability to recognize faces, enabling it to interact with individuals and, as time passes, recognize the face of its owner.

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Should you think about inviting Abo into your residence, be aware that it is priced at $2,899.99.


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