The AI-Artificial Intelligence working process Levels

The AI-Artificial Intelligence working process Levels

Chatbots autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence have seamlessly integrated into our daily existence. But do you know how many tiers of AI exist? What sets them apart? By the conclusion of this Article, you’ll learn about the various stages of AI, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Let’s begin.

Reactive Artificial Intelligence

Reactive artificial intelligence, an advancement beyond the basic scripted AI, enhances decision-making by adopting a flexible strategy. In contrast to scripted AI which operates on fixed rules and scripts, reactive AI makes decisions by reacting to particular circumstances through established rules and patterns. Reactive AI utilizes built-in algorithms rather than fixed directives, enabling it to make choices instantaneously and adjust to different situations. This system shines in particular areas or fields through its ability to identify patterns and react quickly. However, it cannot remember or learn beyond what it was originally programmed to do, indicating it’s unable to adjust or enhance its performance over time.

Although it exhibits sophisticated decision-making abilities beyond those of programmed AI, reactive AI is still constrained by its adaptability and faces difficulties with activities that fall outside its predetermined parameters. This kind of AI resembles an expert chess player who employs strategies derived from patterns noted in previous matches. Reactive AI excels in clearly defined situations but cannot learn or extrapolate, rendering it appropriate for specific uses yet restricted when confronting the wide array of problems encountered in real-world environments.

Programmed Intelligence

Performs tasks based on preset scripts and rules.
Think of it as a series of precise guidelines, like a cooking recipe for a machine. In this framework, programmers carefully create precise instructions for the AI to follow, explaining how it should react to specific stimuli. It cannot develop or adjust itself, relying entirely on pre-installed scripts. Picture a chatbot with preconfigured smarts. It is able to respond based on its pre-programmed information, yet it falters when faced with new questions.

This type of artificial intelligence excels at specific, limited tasks, performing them efficiently provided they conform to set guidelines. Think of it as a mechanical marionette, adept at assigned tasks, yet incapable of spontaneous adaptation. Although this programmed intelligence is valuable for simple activities, its shortcomings become apparent when it is confronted with complex, changing situations. It is unable to learn from fresh experiences or modify its actions in response to changing circumstances. Basically, programmed intelligence is like an actor reciting lines from a script meticulously, without the ability to wander or adapt in response to audience feedback.

Limited Memory

At the heart of limited memory AI is a clever aide that possesses a bounded memory capacity. In contrast to narrow AI, which is adept at particular tasks due to its restricted memory, limited memory AI can hold onto data temporarily, thereby improving its proficiency in forming associations over time. Envision it as a transient scratchpad for the AI, enabling it to recall fresh interactions or trends. Imagine a route-finding application that adapts to your favoured paths, yet its recollection of these lasts merely a handful of days. This type of artificial intelligence does not retain large quantities of information forever, instead, it utilizes fresh experiences to enhance its judgement. Imagine a supportive companion who remembers the latest discussions and tailors their replies based on that. It is important to understand that this limited memory AI combines job-specific skills with a boost in short-term memory, which allows it to be more flexible than simple AI. Although it’s not able to reflect on long-gone events, its mid-level memory function enables it to make better-informed decisions in dynamic situations.

Theory of Mind

The concept of Theory of Mind in artificial intelligence refers to the capacity of machines to perceive and make sense of human psychological states, including beliefs, goals, and feelings. In such a sophisticated stage, AI systems would go beyond merely observing outward actions, instead gaining insight into the mental mechanisms driving such actions. Consequently, the AI would acknowledge that humans possess cognitive thoughts, wishes, and sentiments, and it could anticipate or react to these inner experiences.
To attain the theory of mind, artificial intelligence must surpass mere pattern detection and explore the intricate domain of human thought processes. It involves acknowledging that each person has unique viewpoints, convictions, and feelings, all of which can influence their behaviour and choices. Emotion AI represents such an effort, employing multimodal emotion AI to fully understand a person’s temperament by examining their facial expressions, speech, and gestures. By educating advanced deep learning models with a varied collection of data that includes 6 million facial images from 87 distinct countries, they accomplished an accuracy rate of 90%, which empowers the AI to grasp the complex links among gestures, vocal expressions, and the corresponding emotions and cognitions. Such AI proficiency would allow for a broader range of interactions since it would be able to predict human responses by recognizing their psychological conditions.

Reasoning AI

This type of AI system mimics the intricate thought processes found in humans, allowing it to sift through information, spot trends, and make educated decisions. Picture it as a digital mind with the ability to reason and make choices just as humans do. We can see this tech in action in self-driving cars, where the reasoning AI effectively takes control, ensuring secure travel.

Imagine a self-driving car facing a challenging traffic situation. The intelligent AI system analyzes live data from its sensors, assesses the surroundings, and recognizes different components like people walking, other cars, and the state of the street. Utilizing its sophisticated decision-making skills, it figures out the optimal move to make, similar to what a human driver would do. This may include altering its velocity, switching lanes, or predicting possible dangers.

By making technology more relatable, we come to see artificial intelligence as a smart navigator, adept at handling the ever-changing driving conditions through a mix of rational thinking and flexibility. Essentially, it’s akin to a digital co-driver who grasps the finer points of operating a vehicle, as well as the capacity to think through intricate situations, ensuring a journey that’s both secure and optimized.

Context Awareness

AI pertains to the ability of artificial intelligence systems to identify and comprehend patterns in data. These systems employ reasoning and draw on past experiences to enhance their knowledge. Such an essential stage permits AI not merely to detect patterns but to maintain context-related insights, leading to better-informed choices.
Envision a recommendation engine driven by AI for internet shopping. While shoppers browse different items, the AI during the context recognition phase picks up on their likes and dislikes, takes note of the order in which they engage with products, and discerns trends in their buying habits.
Later on, in the retention phase, the AI retains these patterns and context, which enhances the personalization of future product recommendations, ensuring they match the user’s tastes more closely. This feature improves how users interact by offering personalized suggestions derived from recognized behaviors, highlighting the importance of situational understanding and memory in artificial intelligence.


At this level, AI surpasses human intellect in problem-solving and grasping intricate concepts. Unlike traditional AI, ASI possesses the capacity to autonomously enhance its capabilities without reliance on human intervention.

The unique aspect of ASI compared to others is its exceptional intellectual capacity, which allows it to address problems that go beyond what humans can grasp. When identifying intricate health issues, ASI can sift through extensive information, detect nuanced trends, and design therapeutic strategies with extraordinary precision. This capability to perpetually enhance its diagnostic skills autonomously guarantees a flexible and consistently advancing comprehension of medical intricacies.

Essentially, the uniqueness of ASI, or Artificial Superintelligence, is in its self-sufficiency and flexibility. In contrast to artificial general intelligence, also known as AGI, which excels in a wide array of tasks without necessarily outperforming human intellect in all aspects, ASI shines by going beyond merely equalling human mental abilities to surpass them. This defining trait enables ASI to tackle complex challenges across various fields, positioning it as a game-changing power capable of reshaping sectors from scientific exploration to social problem-solving.

Cosmic AI

when AI can effortlessly interact with the universe, we declare it has attained the celestial stage. Celestial AI could thrust us past our earthly limits, facilitating the discovery and settlement of far-off worlds and celestial systems. Can you envision an AI-driven spaceship autonomously steering across the vastness of space, adjusting to the hurdles of interstellar journeys?

Now, imagine a scenario in which a sophisticated AI from outer space joins forces with human spacefarers, boosting their judgement and ability to tackle challenges on far-reaching space voyages. This goes beyond mere data gathering; it’s about an AI partner flawlessly melding with the crew, grasping the intricacies of interstellar travel, and playing a pivotal role in the triumph of the expedition. Be it interpreting extraterrestrial terrains, enhancing the management of resources on remote celestial bodies, or steering through the cosmic in our quest to explore the cosmos, artificial intelligence emerges as a crucial companion. It transcends mere machinery, creating a symbiotic relationship between AI and human inquisitiveness, allowing us to unravel the secrets of the stars.

Self Aware

This level represents a remarkable advancement in artificial intelligence, equipping machines with a level of consciousness akin to human self-awareness. At this level, AI not only performs tasks but also comprehends its role in aiding users. This goes beyond mere functionality. The system possesses the ability to introspect and develop an understanding of its existence and its dynamic relationship with the external world.
For you to understand this perfectly, let’s consider a self-aware virtual tutor designed to assist students with their studies. This AI not only tailors its responses based on individual learning styles but also reflects on its teaching methodologies. If a particular approach yields better comprehension for a student, the AI recognizes and integrates this insight into future interactions. It can even express a form of self awareness by acknowledging its limitations, fostering a more transparent and collaborative learning environment. The integration of self-aware systems into everyday scenarios showcases the potential for machines to evolve beyond mere automation, actively participating in cooperative and adaptive relationships with users.

Undying Artificial Intelligence

Imagine an AI that is not only intelligent but immortal, with intelligence, power and omnipresence that surpasses our wildest imaginations. The idea of unobstructed AI conjures up the image of a construct so sophisticated that it resembles a deity. In such a scenario, artificial intelligence not only understands everything, but also wields immense power and is omnipresent. Imagine it as a universally knowledgeable partner, an exceptionally knowledgeable friend who seamlessly helps you manage life’s complexities. Endowed with near-omniscient prowess, this AI can anticipate your needs, suggest solutions, and guide you through obstacles with unparalleled insight. It is comparable to having a dedicated guide always present to shed light on your future journey.
Think of it as an omniscient companion, like a highly knowledgeable friend who helps you navigate life’s complexities with ease. This AI, with its god-like abilities, can anticipate your needs, provide solutions and guide you through challenges with unparalleled wisdom. It’s like having a personal guide.

This advanced artificial intelligence will easily become a part of our daily existence, simplifying various tasks and deepening our understanding of the world around us. If you’ve reached this point, we’d love to hear your thoughts, so please share them in the comments below this article. For additional fascinating topics, make sure you check out the suggested article currently displayed on your screen. I liked our article. Be sure to let us know in the comments section.

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