
From 1950 to 1956, research was going on in the context of AI. AI began in the USA in 1956 when the AI research field was established in a workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth College. That’s when the term “artificial intelligence” was coined and came into popular use. Access Dates: 1950: Alan Turing published “Computing Systems and Intelligence” which proposed a test of machine intelligence tabbed “The Imitation Game”In 1956, the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Strained Intelligence (DSRPAI) brought together researchers from various fields to create a tool that mimics human intelligence.

Speaking in simple language, it is a natural language processing technology ripened by OpenAI that uses machine learning models to generate human-like sentences from input text. This is tabbed Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trend Transformer). chatGPT is currently available free of cost.
This revolutionary AI called VASA-1 can breathe life into static images and make them appear incredibly realistic.
In a note written by Sundar Pachai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, we are introduced to the fruits of Google’s relentless innovation, following closely on the heels of its predecessor, the Gemini 10 Ultra.

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Who is the father of AI ?

John McCarthy is an unconfined American computer scientist. He introduced the concept of AI.

Who is the father of AI ?

Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician. She is credited with writing the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, making her the world’s only first computer programmer.

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